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What can I use to lubricate my clippers?

Hair Clippers


Properly lubricating your clippers is essential for their smooth operation and longevity. While there are various products available for clipper lubrication, it is important to choose the right one to ensure optimal performance and prevent damage. In this guide, we will explore different options for lubricating your clippers, including clipper oil, blade oil, and alternative lubricants. We will discuss their features, suitability for clippers, and how to use them effectively. By understanding these options, you can make an informed decision and keep your clippers well-maintained for years to come.

Hair Clippers

What can I use to lubricate my clippers?

Clipper Oil:

Clipper oil is specifically designed for lubricating hair clippers. It is the recommended choice for ensuring optimal performance and preventing damage. Consider the following aspects:

a. Features: Clipper oil is formulated to provide the necessary lubrication and protection for the blades and moving parts of the clippers. It is generally lightweight and has low viscosity, facilitating smooth operation and reducing friction.

b. Suitability: Clipper oil is suitable for all types of clippers, including professional-grade and home-use clippers. It is compatible with various brands and models, making it a versatile option for lubricating your clippers.

c. Usage: To use clipper oil, apply a few drops along the teeth or cutting edge of the blade. Start at one end and work your way to the other, ensuring the oil is evenly distributed along the entire length of the blade. Turn on the clippers and let them run for a few seconds to allow the oil to spread and coat the entire blade. Spread the oil further by gently moving the clippers back and forth or side to side.

d. Availability: Clipper oil is widely available at beauty supply stores, online retailers, and even some general merchandise stores. It is recommended to use a reputable brand of clipper oil to ensure quality and effectiveness.

Hair Clippers

Blade Oil:

Blade oil is another option for lubricating hair clippers. While similar to clipper oil, it may have slight differences in formula and viscosity. Consider the following aspects:

a. Features: Blade oil is specifically designed for lubricating clipper blades. It is often formulated to provide enhanced protection against rust and corrosion, extending the lifespan of the blades. Blade oil typically has similar lightweight and low-viscosity properties as clipper oil.

b. Suitability: Blade oil is suitable for all types of clippers, including professional-grade and home-use clippers. It is compatible with various brands and models, making it a reliable option for lubricating your clippers.

c. Usage: The usage of blade oil is similar to clipper oil. Apply a few drops along the teeth or cutting edge of the blade, ensuring even distribution. Turn on the clippers and let them run for a few seconds to allow the oil to spread and coat the entire blade. Gently move the clippers back and forth or side to side to spread the oil further.

d. Availability: Blade oil is available at beauty supply stores, online retailers, and some general merchandise stores. It is important to choose a reputable brand of blade oil to ensure quality and effectiveness.

Alternative Lubricants:

In certain situations where clipper or blade oil may not be readily available, there are alternative lubricants that can be used temporarily. While these alternatives can provide temporary lubrication, it is recommended to use dedicated clipper or blade oil for long-term maintenance. Consider the following options:

a. Mineral Oil: Mineral oil, commonly found in pharmacies or drugstores, can be used as a temporary lubricant for clippers. It is important to choose a food-grade or cosmetic-grade mineral oil that is safe for use on the skin and hair. Apply a small amount to the blades and moving parts, ensuring even distribution.

b. Light Machine Oil: Light machine oils, such as sewing machine oil or 3-in-1 oil, can provide temporary lubrication for clippers. These oils are generally lightweight and have low viscosity, making them suitable for reducing friction and ensuring smooth operation. Apply a small amount to the blades and moving parts, ensuring even distribution.

c. WD-40 (Limited Use): While WD-40 can provide temporary lubrication, it is not recommended for long-term use on clippers. WD-40 is a multi-purpose product that contains solvents and may not offer the same level of protection and lubrication as dedicated clipper or blade oil. If using WD-40, apply a small amount to the blades and moving parts, and wipe off any excess residue.

Hair Clippers

Choosing the Right Lubricant:

When choosing a lubricant for your clippers, consider the following factors:

a. Purpose: Select a lubricant specifically designed for hair clippers or clipper blades. These lubricants are formulated to provide the necessary protection, reduce friction, and ensure the longevity of your clippers.

b. Compatibility: Ensure the lubricant is compatible with your specific brand and model of clippers. While most lubricants are suitable for various clippers, it is always best to check the manufacturer’s recommendations or consult the user manual.

c. Quality and Authenticity: Opt for reputable brands and purchase from trusted sources to ensure the quality and authenticity of the lubricant. This helps guarantee the effectiveness and safety of the product.

Hair Clippers

Additional Maintenance Tips:

Proper lubrication is just one aspect of maintaining your clippers. Consider the following tips for overall clippers maintenance:

a. Regular Cleaning: Clean your clippers after each use to remove hair and debris. This helps prevent buildup and ensures smooth operation.

b. Disinfection: Disinfect the blades and comb attachments regularly to maintain hygiene and prevent the spread of bacteria or infections. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper disinfection procedures.

c. Replace Worn Parts: Regularly inspect the blades, comb attachments, and other components for signs of wear or damage. Replace any worn or damaged parts promptly to maintain optimal performance.

d. Proper Storage: Clean and thoroughly dry your clippers before storing them in a dry and dust-free environment. Consider using a protective case or cover to prevent damage during storage.

e. Professional Servicing: If you encounter significant issues with your clippers or if they are not performing as expected, consider seeking professional servicing or repair. Trained technicians can address complex problems and ensure your clippers continue to function effectively.

Hair Clippers


Proper lubrication of your clippers is crucial for their smooth operation and longevity. Clipper oil and blade oil are specifically designed for this purpose and are recommended for optimal performance. When these options are not available, alternatives such as mineral oil or light machine oil can be used temporarily. However, it is important to use dedicated clipper or blade oil for long-term maintenance. When choosing a lubricant, consider its purpose, compatibility with your clippers, and the quality and authenticity of the product. Regular maintenance, including cleaning, disinfection, and proper storage, further contributes to the performance and lifespan of your clippers. By following these guidelines, you can effectively lubricate your clippers and ensure they continue to provide reliable and efficient haircuts.