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How do you put oil on hair clippers?

Hair Clippers


Applying oil to hair clippers is an essential maintenance step to keep them running smoothly and to ensure the longevity of the blades. Proper lubrication prevents friction and heat buildup, reduces wear and tear, and helps maintain the cutting efficiency of the clippers. In this guide, we will explore how to put oil on hair clippers step by step, including preparing the clippers, applying the oil, and distributing it evenly. We will also discuss the importance of regular oiling, the types of oil suitable for clippers, and additional maintenance tips to keep your clippers in optimal condition.

Hair Clippers

How do you put oil on hair clippers?

Prepare the Clippers:

Before applying oil to your hair clippers, ensure they are clean and free from any hair or debris. Consider the following steps:

a. Turn Off and Unplug: Safety is paramount when working with hair clippers. Make sure the clippers are turned off and unplugged to avoid accidental activation during the oiling process.

b. Remove Excess Hair: Use a small brush or toothbrush to remove any loose hair or debris from the blades, comb attachments, and the body of the clippers. Ensure all surfaces are clean before proceeding.

c. Detach Blade Assembly (if applicable): Check if the blade assembly can be removed from the clippers. Some models allow for easy removal, while others may require disassembly according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If possible, detach the blade assembly to allow for easier access and oil application.

Hair Clippers

Choose the Right Oil:

Selecting the appropriate oil is crucial to ensure proper lubrication and prevent damage to your clippers. Consider the following factors:

a. Clipper Oil: Use oil specifically designed for hair clippers. Clipper oil is formulated to provide the necessary lubrication and is often included with the clippers at the time of purchase. If you don’t have clipper oil, you can purchase it from a beauty supply store or online.

b. Avoid Substitutes: Avoid using household oils, such as cooking oil or WD-40, as they are not suitable for hair clippers. These oils can cause damage to the blades, attract dirt, and lead to poor performance.

Apply the Oil:

Once you have prepared the clippers and chosen the appropriate oil, follow these steps to apply the oil:

a. Examine the Blades: Take a close look at the blades to identify any visible signs of wear, rust, or damage. If the blades are severely damaged or dull, it may be necessary to replace them or seek professional assistance.

b. Drip the Oil: Apply a few drops of oil along the teeth or cutting edge of the blade. Start at one end and work your way to the other, ensuring the oil is evenly distributed along the entire length of the blade. Use caution not to apply too much oil, as excess oil can lead to a messy and inefficient cutting process.

c. Turn On the Clippers: Turn on the clippers and let them run for a few seconds. This allows the oil to spread and coat the entire blade, ensuring thorough lubrication.

d. Spread the Oil: To ensure even distribution of the oil, gently move the clippers back and forth or side to side. This helps spread the oil across the blade surface and ensures all moving parts are properly lubricated.

e. Apply More Oil if Necessary: If you notice any areas that are not adequately coated with oil, add a few more drops and repeat the process of running and spreading the clippers.

f. Let the Oil Settle: Allow the oil to sit on the blades for a few minutes to fully penetrate and lubricate the moving parts. This resting period allows the oil to work its way into the nooks and crannies of the blades, ensuring optimal performance.

Hair Clippers

Wipe off Excess Oil:

After the oil has had time to settle, remove any excess oil from the clippers. Consider the following steps:

a. Turn Off and Unplug the Clippers: Before wiping off excess oil, make sure the clippers are turned off and unplugged to prevent accidents.

b. Use a Clean Cloth or Tissue: Take a clean cloth or tissue and gently wipe off any excess oil from the blades, comb attachments, and the body of the clippers. Ensure all surfaces are dry and free from oil residue.

c. Reassemble (if applicable): If you detached the blade assembly, carefully reattach it to the clippers according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Ensure the blades are securely in place before using the clippers.

Hair Clippers

Regular Maintenance and Additional Tips:

To keep your clippers in optimal condition, follow these additional maintenance tips:

a. Regular Oiling: Oil your clippers before each use or at least every few haircuts, depending on the frequency of use. Regular oiling ensures proper lubrication and prevents premature wear or damage to the blades.

b. Clean and Sanitize: Regularly clean the clippers by removing any hair or debris. Disinfect the blades and comb attachments according to the manufacturer’s instructions to maintain hygiene.

c. Replace Worn Parts: Keep an eye on the condition of the blades, comb attachments, and other components of the clippers. Replace any worn or damaged parts promptly to ensure optimal performance.

d. Store Properly: After each use, clean and store the clippers in a dry and dust-free environment. Consider using a protective case or cover to prevent damage.

e. Professional Servicing: If you notice any significant issues or if the clippers are not performing as expected, consider seeking professional servicing or repair. Trained technicians can address complex problems and ensure your clippers continue to function effectively.

Hair Clippers


Applying oil to hair clippers is a vital maintenance step to ensure optimal performance and longevity. By preparing the clippers, choosing the right oil, and applying it properly, you can prevent friction, reduce wear and tear, and maintain the cutting efficiency of the blades. Regular oiling, along with proper cleaning, sanitization, and storage, will keep your clippers in optimal condition. Remember to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and seek professional assistance if needed. With proper care and maintenance, your hair clippers will provide reliable performance and allow you to achieve professional-quality haircuts at home.

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